Wellness Strategies For The Booked Up Therapist


It’s time to hold yourself accountable to yourself. This 1 hour online workshop will help you move from feeling shame and confusion about prioritizing wellness to feeling confident and at peace. You have dedicated your life to helping others find wellness. But you can feel the unsustainablity of your life creeping in. Maybe it all feels very, very tenuous - as if one part of your life tipped too far, it would all come crashing down. Maybe for you it looks like feeling tired all. the. time. or being sick more often than not. 

Whatever it is, you live in fear that this feeling will last forever. It’s the permanence that really scares you. And you know you need to make the time to DO something about it.

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This isn’t about self care.

Self-care is necessary part of wellness. But true, sustainable wellness requires you to take small steps towards building the schedule and life that serves YOU, the booked up therapist. You’ve probably heard in grad school “When you don’t take care of yourself, you cannot take care of your clients effectively”. Wellness Strategies For The Booked Up Therapist is built on the idea that you you are a human being deserving of wellness for its own sake, not on how your wellbeing can better serve others.


You’ll walk away with clarity.

⇨  Get clear about your priorities to build your wellness-centered life

⇨ Identify actionable steps you’ll take in your work to meet your needs in the 8 areas of wellness

⇨ Design a schedule based on your energy levels that allows you to maximize comfort AND outcomes for yourself and your clients

⇨ Learn how to integrate technology in your wellness plan to free up your time for the things that matter to you

Go from feeling shame and guilt about prioritizing wellness to feeling grateful and at peace

How to register for this workshop:

  • Click “Add To Cart” on this page

  • Complete purchase

  • Download your exclusive invite PDF that includes the link to the training and the password needed

  • Registration includes the recording of the workshop you can watch anytime with a lifetime access!